Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just another day

Ok ok ok, my friends, I can see all your MSN names. Everyone's personal message is sort of similar today. If they don't read "Happy Valentine's Day," it's something like "spend Vday alone" or some other cynnical V-bashing slogan.

If it makes you all feel better, I'm spending today with my dog, who doesn't even like me. I'm not celebrating Valentine's day this year. Honestly, I was never a big fan of this commercial holiday. Sure, I've celebrated it many times and even let myself be spoiled with riduculous vday gifts (and I mean ridiculous. I'll save that for a later post though) but it's really no big deal. It's just another (cold, snowy) day. I'll ask to be spoiled when I deserve it, and that day won't necessarily fall on Valentine's day.

On other thoughts, yesterday kicked of International Flirting Week! I once read that everyone's got that natural flirty talent - so don't hold it back! I've seen good things to people who've used that talent. On the other hand, I've also witnessed people who don't know how to put it to use, and let me tell you, it can get pretty hilarious. I once encountered a guy who asked for my number first thing when he saw me (in the middle of the street) without ever having met me before. Don't be that psycho! Take the flirting IQ quiz to see if you're not gonna pull a dangerous maneuvre.

Oh yeah, it's also Black Love day and National Condom week. Happy whatever you celebrate!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo, I scored top marks on the kissing and flirting quizzes, I rock.

Thanks for the nice comments on my xanga ^_^

Twas good seeing you, Sean and Kevy last week... we'll have to do something again once his bday rolls around. Cheers!

12:56 AM, February 17, 2006


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