Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

No more Fiesta

Thank god it's over.

We've been out every night since Christmas eve, visiting family and eating like there's not gonna be any food in the world the next day. I enjoy parties and seeing my family once in awhile, but frankly, I can't stand that many get togethers. Heck, there is even a party going on downstairs right now. The ladies are chatting and drinking coffee. The men and the all the other twenty-somethings are drinking and gambling. The kids are playing that old 24-bit nintento thing I haven't used in ages. And I, in my own category, am up here minding my own business and wondering why I am always the black sheep in any case.

That's not supposed to happen! I'm supposed to be life of the party! Que pasa?

I'm also pretty annoyed that barely anyone is on MSN and my limewire won't play any music. Guess people have better things to do at 11:30 PM on a Thursday evening...like sleeping. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone slept in all this week. Mind you, from the point of view of someone who barely did anything but eat, drink and party, it's been a tireing week.

Oh yeah, I'm also back to being unemployed. At 5 pm on Christmas Eve, I bidded farewell to my (tacky) elf costume and became Kim the retired elf. Despite the massive amount of screaming kids that I had to deal with, it was a fun job. Highlights include the guy who bought his puppy to take pics with Santa, the two ganster guys who made Santa do a rapper-like pose, and the couple who wore matching red track suits and santa hats.

That being said, I'm tired and on the verge of fighting a cold. Guess I should go back down and drink some vodka.


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