Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Warm me up

Ok, I guess my Valentine's Day wasn't bad at all. Thankies Miko! Was much better than that vday a few years ago when the creep* decided that it was a romantic idea give me a six dollar dancing hamster. We all know what those are, right? Those battery-powered hamsters that each have a different style of clothing and start blasting a different song when you press their paws...you get the idea. Not only did the creep do it even though I asked him not to, he got me one that was dysfunctional! In other words, the boxer hamster, clad in heart-print boxer shorts and boxing gloves did his job at blasing "what is love" but wasn't able to move! I had to fiddle with those paws to get them to move a tiny bit, and let me tell you, if that one was given to a kid (as it should have been) that child would been traumatized by this crippled dancing hamster. Anyway, let's hear your vday tales good and bad.

Hmm, so it's another stay-at-home Friday night. This time it's by choice. Seems like bad weather got's most of the world today. Deadly winds stormed through eastern Canada today - they were so strong that I could hear them over my music! It's the kind of wind that causes people walk the way a diapered two-year old, if you know what I mean. My mom works a 2 minute walk away from home and today it took quite a bit longer than that to get there. She said I would have flown if I went out today.

Second thought, why didn't I do it? Might have blown me somewhere warm.

* What? I'm avoiding names. I've spent too much time in crime reporting classes to know such consequences.


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