Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

2004: The “Oh My God” Year

Wow, been awhile since I posted. On the flip side, the holiday madness is finally over. I liked the hype though- catching up with friends and family seemed to be just what I needed to remind me that I am in fact still saner than some people.

Ok…OH MY GOD. That’s been my number one line this year. I didn’t think things could get any worse, but…TSUNAMI?? What’s going on? This year, the Middle East got hit with so many bombs. Remember hurricane Ivan? It destroyed thousands of homes in Florida and in the Caribbean. It’s very heartbreaking to hear the stories about the thousands of innocent people who have died. I guess we must always live life to the fullest, because we never know what can happen.

This year could also be called The Year of the Breakup. I’m not just talking about
J-Lo & Ben or Kirsten and Jake… practically every couple I knew split up this year, myself included. My story plays like an episode of Sex and the City, only with a Nancy Drew feel. Also, my aunt and uncle filed for divorce. Isn’t it funny how you look at a couple and always think that they’re going to last forever? I’m sort of sketchy towards that stuff now.

In May, the final episode of Friends, drew 52 million viewers in North America. So, no more of one of my favorite shows. I know, there’s always Joey, but I’m never here when it’s on. Besides, it’s not the same with the rest of the gang.

I had school equipment trouble. I was one of the two people in my class who got a kit of cameras that don’t work, flashes that don’t flash, and broken wires, leaving me to fall a bit behind in the work at the beginning.

I fail my driver’s test, again. By two marks!!! But I know I’ll pass the next one.

Talking about the year of the Monkey, here’s a ‘monkey’ : Bush was re-elected. I’m not American and will support whatever decisions they make…but I wanted Kerry to win.

Many entertainment legends have passed away this year including Ray Charles, Marlon Brando, and Christopher Reeve. Christopher Reeve was definitely a hero. I cannot imagine not being able to move, and I am a pretty calm person compared to others.

Oh my god, I have homework during the holidays!!
All stupid Greeks all the time: The Hellenic Community of Montreal paid almost $24,000 for calls to adult phone lines at a time when it was struggling to pay teachers at four Greek schools, a recent audit shows. Hmm. Now why am I not surprised?

Oh yeah, and a stupid criminal tried to counterfeit a Million-dollar bill, which does not exist. I rest my case.

There was so much more, and you can click the link (title) for more 2004 events.

How was 2004 for you?


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