Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Gotta get...dirrty...

I somehow found a way to add something to my already hyper-busy schedule that made me part of an important historical event. Despite going to bed late on Saturday night because I went to watch a 3 hour Bollywood movie that I was supposed to be in (they cut my scene out damnit!) I got up early on Sunday morning to prepare to be in the St-Patrick's Day Parade.

Montreal holds the oldest and longest-running St-Patrick's Day Parade in North America- this year marks their 181st. About 40 floats and numerous marching bands take part. This year's parade definitely sets some historical records. First of all, I was in it. Also, for the first time, its Grand Marshal was a woman. Less parade-watchers turned out than in previous years- a bit less than 200, 000. Prime Minister Paul Martin talked about not wanting to be part of this year's parade, but he still showed up. And yeah, me. Did I mention I was in it?

The radio station had three floats, and several cars. My job was to help them decorate them. After showing up at the wrong float because mine had been moved three blocks down- imagine how much back and forth running I had to do- I finally found the right one, with everyone freaking out because they were nowhere near ready to go. Tonie and I did the most work and saved their worrying by speed-spray painting clovers on the cars. This was fun, but also really messy. I got green paint all over my hands and even some on my clothes and my hair. Tonie and I had mud splattered all over us from running in the slushy snow and climbing that damp parade float. That's the 'dirrty' thang mentioned in my title. Not my fault that they had Christina Aguilera blasting on the radio. What were you thinking? Made ya read up to here.

Being in the crowd and watching the parade is not the same thing as being in the parade and watching the crowd. if you ever get the opportunity to be in one, especially a big one like this one, go for it.


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