Expect the Unexpected
So I walked out of my last day or working at the summer camp, all proud that I had managed to stay in one piece since I worked alone with my group of very energetic girls today. My co-councelor has been absent all week and they couldn't find a replacement for her today, which meant I had be twice as loud, twice as controlling, and twice as alert. Two weeks ago I couldn't have done this. Everytime I raised my voice, I felt like I was yelling at the kids, but that's now normal camp talk for me.
Anyway so it felt all nice to walk out in the sunshine (it rained a lot this week), knowing that I did the job well. I reached in my backpack, pulled out my cell and turned it on. A voice mail from my boyfriend was waiting for me. So I'm thinking, "If he's leaving a message while I'm at work, something's up. " Sure enough, it went something like "Hey Kim, we've got a problem. Varig (an airline) went bankrupt and our flight to Brazil has been cancelled. They say they'll only put us on another flight for two-thousand more dollars. Trying to find another one. Call me ASAP."
Like...WHAT? Varig has been in business for 79 years and it's now that it pulls this crap?? Of course, as usual, I get stuck in it.
No, we're not paying that extra $2000. I don't think I'll win the lottery in time. We've found replacement tickets, but we're currently dealing with whether we'll be able to negociate a refund for the first set we bought. It's sort of complicated.
Aaarrrrrghhhhhhhhhh. How frustrating. Wish me luck.