Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mmmm Johnny!

Hey girls, now here's a way to end those dreams of getting Johnny Depp inside you - Disney has announced that the Pirates of the Carribean star will now be the star of his own cereal.

According to the description on the steering wheel, the cereal will be “Naturally Sweetened Chocolate Pearl Shaped Cereal with Pirate Shaped Marshmallows”. The marshmallow shapes include hearts, hats, and treasurechests, kind of a Captain Jack Lucky Charms.

Geez. If you don't beleive me, check out the link here.

Warm me up

Ok, I guess my Valentine's Day wasn't bad at all. Thankies Miko! Was much better than that vday a few years ago when the creep* decided that it was a romantic idea give me a six dollar dancing hamster. We all know what those are, right? Those battery-powered hamsters that each have a different style of clothing and start blasting a different song when you press their paws...you get the idea. Not only did the creep do it even though I asked him not to, he got me one that was dysfunctional! In other words, the boxer hamster, clad in heart-print boxer shorts and boxing gloves did his job at blasing "what is love" but wasn't able to move! I had to fiddle with those paws to get them to move a tiny bit, and let me tell you, if that one was given to a kid (as it should have been) that child would been traumatized by this crippled dancing hamster. Anyway, let's hear your vday tales good and bad.

Hmm, so it's another stay-at-home Friday night. This time it's by choice. Seems like bad weather got's most of the world today. Deadly winds stormed through eastern Canada today - they were so strong that I could hear them over my music! It's the kind of wind that causes people walk the way a diapered two-year old, if you know what I mean. My mom works a 2 minute walk away from home and today it took quite a bit longer than that to get there. She said I would have flown if I went out today.

Second thought, why didn't I do it? Might have blown me somewhere warm.

* What? I'm avoiding names. I've spent too much time in crime reporting classes to know such consequences.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just another day

Ok ok ok, my friends, I can see all your MSN names. Everyone's personal message is sort of similar today. If they don't read "Happy Valentine's Day," it's something like "spend Vday alone" or some other cynnical V-bashing slogan.

If it makes you all feel better, I'm spending today with my dog, who doesn't even like me. I'm not celebrating Valentine's day this year. Honestly, I was never a big fan of this commercial holiday. Sure, I've celebrated it many times and even let myself be spoiled with riduculous vday gifts (and I mean ridiculous. I'll save that for a later post though) but it's really no big deal. It's just another (cold, snowy) day. I'll ask to be spoiled when I deserve it, and that day won't necessarily fall on Valentine's day.

On other thoughts, yesterday kicked of International Flirting Week! I once read that everyone's got that natural flirty talent - so don't hold it back! I've seen good things to people who've used that talent. On the other hand, I've also witnessed people who don't know how to put it to use, and let me tell you, it can get pretty hilarious. I once encountered a guy who asked for my number first thing when he saw me (in the middle of the street) without ever having met me before. Don't be that psycho! Take the flirting IQ quiz to see if you're not gonna pull a dangerous maneuvre.

Oh yeah, it's also Black Love day and National Condom week. Happy whatever you celebrate!


You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Beat ya suckers! Now the rest of you, do this quiz now, and I wanna know your results! Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Holy shit I passed the test!! Whooo!

Happy New Year of the Dog!

Check out my new "brother" Miko!

It's a yorkshire terrier that a friend of my mom's no longer has time for, so he's ours now. Apart from pooing on my floor the first day we got him, he's been a good, quiet dog.

Speaking of dogs, January 29 kicked off the Year of the Dog!

The sign of the DOG is known, not surprisingly, for loyalty and generosity. Need to spill a secret? Seek out one of these honest souls and bend that expert listening ear. While Dogs themselves may be reluctant to place their trust in just anyone, once they do, members of this sign can make the best business partners and leaders. And while Dogs might enjoy life more by relaxing their exacting standards from time to time, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better or more faithful friend.

So what can we expect from the upcoming year? The Dog is an ethical and idealistic sign, and the year that bears its name will also bring increased social awareness and interest in society's less powerful members. Any tendencies to take, take, take will be replaced by a widespread sentiment of generosity and selflessness. In general, we will all be imbued with the Dog's keen sense of right and wrong. You can also get a feel for the year to come by checking the compatibility between your Chinese sign and the sign of the dog -- the better your compatibility, the better your year.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


And here it here it is...the new webpage! I got so bored of of the normal templates so decided to make my own. Hope you like it!