Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

No more Fiesta

Thank god it's over.

We've been out every night since Christmas eve, visiting family and eating like there's not gonna be any food in the world the next day. I enjoy parties and seeing my family once in awhile, but frankly, I can't stand that many get togethers. Heck, there is even a party going on downstairs right now. The ladies are chatting and drinking coffee. The men and the all the other twenty-somethings are drinking and gambling. The kids are playing that old 24-bit nintento thing I haven't used in ages. And I, in my own category, am up here minding my own business and wondering why I am always the black sheep in any case.

That's not supposed to happen! I'm supposed to be life of the party! Que pasa?

I'm also pretty annoyed that barely anyone is on MSN and my limewire won't play any music. Guess people have better things to do at 11:30 PM on a Thursday evening...like sleeping. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone slept in all this week. Mind you, from the point of view of someone who barely did anything but eat, drink and party, it's been a tireing week.

Oh yeah, I'm also back to being unemployed. At 5 pm on Christmas Eve, I bidded farewell to my (tacky) elf costume and became Kim the retired elf. Despite the massive amount of screaming kids that I had to deal with, it was a fun job. Highlights include the guy who bought his puppy to take pics with Santa, the two ganster guys who made Santa do a rapper-like pose, and the couple who wore matching red track suits and santa hats.

That being said, I'm tired and on the verge of fighting a cold. Guess I should go back down and drink some vodka.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sneaky Christmas

So it finally dawned on me that Christmas is coming up...this weekend. Sneaky. And this means I've got two days to get all my (last minute) shopping done. Thank god I don't need to shop for the ENTIRE family. That would leave me dead broke. Mind you, my dad has 9 siblings, most of which live here and have kids. Yeah, they were a family of 12 people. 10 kids! I have no idea how my grandparents dealt with that. Or why they wanted that many. My parents can't even handle me and my sister! And on top of that, my dad grew up in a tiny house that had no more than 3 bedrooms. Imagine all those kids sharing one bathroom. I admire them. I'd have preferred being homeless.

Speaking of kids, I don't think I want to deal with any for a good while after this week. Kim's an exhausted elf. I've spent the past two days doing freaking 8 hour shifts with LOTS of screaming kids, putting on a BIG smile and trying to make the kids laugh when all I want to say is "shut up and smile!" My best friends these days are my little helper, Santa's teddy bear and coffee. Today my boss decided to make us feel better by providing some liquer-filled chocolate. I just barely avoided becoming a drunk elf.

I don't know when Christmas became somewhat of a burden. Maybe it's just from an Elfstown point of view. Or from viewing my crappy paycheck. As if it isn't enough, I've also got to get presents for a few people whose birthdays are within the next few weeks. My cousin was born on boxing day. What a horrible time to be born! People try to trick you by getting you one present and telling you it's a special one that counts for both your birthday and Christmas. So, if any of you is planning to have kids anytime soon, take my advice and plan it so it's born at some decent time like in the summer or something. Cuz if not, you'll never ever, EVER hear the end of it from me.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Mother nature schemes Montreal... again

Mother nature must really be having a lot of fun right now. I opened the door this morning, and look what I saw:

I am downright offended that after a whole week of chaotic Elf-ing, a week of not talking to anyone including the bf, and a month of not going out at all, mother natures choses to blow a giagantic snowstorm on the day that I finally plan a get together with my friends.

It's calmed down a bit, but was pretty bad outside here this morning. My dad could barely drive to work, and when he came home for lunch, he got stuck on street behind our house for almost an hour! I heard on the radio that it took one women from the est end four hours just to get to work downtown. Lucky for Montreal kids, all schools were closed today.

So there goes my day off in la belle province (blanche). Just got in from shovelling snow - and there was a lot of it! If this happened anywhere else, EVERYTHING would be closed for the whole week. The advantages of being Quebecois. Now, I can sit here and complain about the damn weather, or I can be the brave Canadian that I am and endure a 'lil' snowfall just like everyone else.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Oh, those Brits...

Here's something interesting - over in England there's this new reality show in which participants will be fooled to beleive, thanks to careful visual and auditory illusion, that they have been launched into space. Apparently they've been told that the ship has gravity generators. Check out the article here.

Monday, December 12, 2005

tea for two?

Asians really crack me up sometimes. Not to offend any asians out there (I'm asian too), but take a look at this photo I snapped a few minutes ago:

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ho ho ho

A diver dressed as Scuba Claus waves through the glass in the Strait of Georgia exhibit at the Vancouver Aquarium Thursday, December 1, 2005.
CP PHOTO/Chuck Stoody

I guess fishes need gifts too! You can see photos of other hilrious Santas around the world here.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Don't just dare...help!

I've just been dared to make a VJ audition tape for Much. Eeks.

Not that I won't accept it. I don't like turning down dares, as long as they're reasonable. And I would have easily done this one by creating some mock VJ presentation / interview video.

Until I read this.

And found out the deadline is really soon.

Apparently, they like those creative grand, daring auditions -which sounds fun, but also impossible because I can't think of anything really daring to do on video.

Except maybe wear a bathing suit when it's below freezing outside. But that would cause me to get sick.

I've also thought of phoning Tom Green. Now he is just insane. In case you haven't heard, he posted his phone number on his site, www.tomgreen.com, and apparently, from all the fan mail he's been getting, it's the real number. But if I do that, it'll make for bad video, because my crappy analog camera probably won't pick up phone sound.

So, I dare you all, if you want me to do this, pass up a few ideas. My elfen brain's gone frozen. I should ask Santa to get me a new one.