Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Springing forward

Whoo-hoo! Spring has officially started! Not that we see that much of a difference in the weather, but it's getting there. It better, or else the whole world will witness a Kim hissy-fit. And trust me, it's not something you wanna see.

Let me know if you do, I'd be more than happy to improvise.

So this past weekend was pretty exciting in Montreal.
Anyone caught the St. Patrick's day parade? It was nuts. I was on a float and let me tell you, the crowd was amazing! Of course, not counting those super-drunks and those who thought it was cool to give our float the finger. But it's about time I see some partying in Montreal...I'd forgotten how green everything gets.

Anyone else partied and got drunk this weekend? Haha, yeah you read right. I walked out of an Irish party feeling a bit tipsy, but not so drunk that I couldn't walk.

Also this weekend, the Canadian Idol crew stopped by. Speaking of which, I passed the georgeous Ben Mulroney without noticing him. Can you beleive that? We were on our float which was starting to move and make its way down to its place in the line, and we passed by the CTV float. So of course we all waved to them and I noticed Mitsumi, Bill Haugland and Lori Graham. Then a few minutes later, someone told me that Ben was standing right next to Lori, checking us out.

Yeah. I swear I wasn't still drunk!

Which brings me to ask you all an interesting question: Say one day you run into a drop-dead geogeous celebrity whom you admire - Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, one the backstreet boys, the weather girl on TV, whoever - and by some miracle, s/he asks you out. You get along extremely well and could be soulmates, but problem is...you're taken. What do you do?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Breathe... (2 AM)

Yes, it's two O'Clock in the A.M, and here I am jousting all my energy into this wonderful blog that you readers probably think I've been neglecting by now. If anyone reads this. I mean, face it, I haven't been putting extremely interesting things here.

Anyway, I just got back awhile ago from a friend's engagement party AND found out another friend might be having one of her own. Engagement, geez we're at that age already? ( I know what some of you are thinking, just don't say it). Anyway, I've never been to an engagement party before, so it was quite interesting. It wasn't an extremely formal event, but nice anyway with speeches, flowers and of course wine.

Which explains why I'm still up. Feeling like staying pretty quiet in my corner of the table, I drank a bit of wine before and during dinner. You know how they say that if you wanna fall asleep have some alcohol? That doesn't work on me. Alcohol wakes me up.

As if that wasn't enough, they started bringing out coffee after dinner. Now those who know me know that I'm practically naturally caffeinated and don't need much coffee to engergize, especially after consuming alcohol. But I had some tonight. With two packs of sugar. And a large piece of cake. Yeah. So just when the party was about to end, I tuned into party mode.

Coffee is officially my best friend. And you know what, it should be yours too. It tastes good, it feels good, it's healthy (seriously) and it'll never do anything bad to you except occasionally burn you or make you overly hyper at the wrong time and cause you do extremely strange things like post a blog about almost nothing at 2 a.m just for the readers.

Oh by the way, if you do read this page, let me know! Comments / suggestions are always welcome as well as tips and donations.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Alrighty I'll put up a real post instead of just weird pictures. I'm in all day today and bored out of my mind. I turned down an invitation to go out downtown tonight because frankly it just doesn't look good outside. My neighbor's big tree is swaying back and forth. My dog, who always greets people when they come home, actually backed away from the wind today. With the exception of yesterday, it's been gloomy out there. So, I've been in and about a lot. Whee.

Someone's gonna have to find a way to make me stop complaining about the weather.

Yeah, so last weekend, my sister celebrated her 17th birthday (which actually is tomorrow). Her friends knew she wanted to go clubbing, so they all pitched in, and along with another kid who was turning 17, rented eight limosines to transport them all to the Dome. That's 64 underage clubbing kids in limos. Talk about brats! I've never even been in a limo.

On the upside, the job hunt is slowly getting a little better. I've gotten an interview with a radio station in Ontario about a summer job opportunity, but I won't hear from them for a few weeks because they've got other people to interview as well. Yesterday I did an interview for a part-time temp job at a photography studio. We'll see if I make the second interview. While the lady who interviewed me liked my portfolio and said she would ask the manager to give me a second interview, you never know.