Mi vida loca in Montreal and wherever I go!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Gosh I forgot what it's like to be a student! In this moment, I am procrasinating, stalling on my paper which is due tomorrow. It's supposed to be three pages. I'm barely at one and a half. Soooo tempted to go outside where it's 32 degrees and sunny and start tanning. I doubt that this year I'll get as tan as I was when I came back from Mexico though. My parents barely recognized me when I walked through the airport gates cuz seriously, I was practically as black as my Sri Lankan friend.

But anyway. Why does this mental block thing always happen when you really don't need it? It's interesting cuz yesterday someone made a comment saying that I'm probably deep thinker. We were at an engagement party (yes, another one), and as in many cases, clashed with the crowd. Does that ever happen to anyone out there?? Cuz even though I mask it, I hate it when that happens, and it seems it only reaches me. So there I am, nodding, smiling, yaddi yadda- and the newly engaged couple (they're my boyfriend's friends) noticed I looked like I was counting the ants on the wall or something and (ugh) commented on how quiet I was being. He made a point that introverts are often better thinkers, always haveing some interiour monologues. Not that I'm pure introvert, but holy shit, do I think a lot. I'd be up at 2 a.m and my brain would still be going like a motor. I could certainly use that right now. Yeah...back to my paper...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cuz I gotta find time to write

Yes, I'm getting busy again. Kim's a busy student again, this time actually loving it rather feeling dragged through. The theatre class I'm taking is downwright awesome, and it's unfortunate that's there's only one more week left of it. I took Acting 1 back in my days as a stressed out, practially beat student at Concordia, and let me tell you, it was therapeutic. For awhile I could just forget about being myself and discover all these emotions I didn't know I had. After I left, they offered Acting 2, which is what I'm taking now. I seem to be cursed with the "good things happen after I leave it" omen. After I left elemantary school, I remember the next grade 6 class getting more fun things like trips and performing a play and stuff. After I left high school, they made the building nicer. And after I left university, my department got transferred to a brand new building with brand new equipment that actually functions and of course, cooler classes.

I've also started to host a TV show for a new TV station. We taped at the beer festival two weeks ago, so I got to taste all these beers on camera (while keeping a straight face- some were just awful!) The camera man offered to finish off the beers for me - yes, the show probably gets a bit shaky near the end. So yeah, it rocks, but on the downside, it's unpaid and will probably only run for one season.

On other note, was it georgeous out today or what? It was finally 32 degrees and sunny. We've been having only cool or rainy weather so far, but today, we actually needed to turn on the air conditioner. Summer's coming, which means I'll be even more busy then working at the summer camp. We had the first staff meeting this week and it looks like it's gonna be a lot of work -- its huge camp, with 85 campers st in the senior girls section. I'm glad I'll be taking care of the 6 to 8 year olds, rather than the really little ones. Kids can be cute but I'm not sure I've got the patience to deal with them - heck, I don't even have the patience to deal with some people my age! Oh well, we'll see how I do.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Mental games

When walking with an umbrella, everyone should remember one thing : do not pretend you're tha's jolly fella from Singin in the Rain and swing the umbrella - you could hit someone in the crotch.

That's what happened to me several times today as I was making my way downtown. Don't people know they should hold umbrellas straight down, vertically, not horizontally, and certainly should not swing them back and forth.

People are funny. Sometimes I really wonder what goes though people's minds. I'd observe a certain person, not necessarily someone I know, and try to figure out what they're thinking. Today on the metro the girl who sat in front of me caught my eye, mostly because she looked like someone I knew. She was petite, about my age and listening to her mp3. All of the sudden, she stops, looks for something in her bag, and is obviously frustrated. She sighs and buries her head in her hands for a few seconds. Then frantically looks in the bag again, looking like she wants to cry. She then just sits there with a shocked, I-can't-believe it expression on her face. It's obvious that she lost something and can't find it. So I begin to wonder what it is. I see her pull her wallet out and look in it, so crossed that thought out. She then got edgier and edgier. Finally she just abruptly got up, and stormed out of her metro. I don't think it was even her stop.

Interesting, huh? Try it. Watch people, they do all kinds of weird things.